A collection of Indian tales of wit, wisdom, humour, bravery, devotion and lots more...

Category: Animal Tales Page 2 of 3

The Blue Jackal

This is a story from the Panchatantra. Long ago, there lived in the jungles of central India, a jackal by name Chandaraka. One day, Chandaraka did not get any prey in the jungle. Hunger drove him to the outskirts of the jungle and he entered the town. Being new to the town, he was wandering […]

The Cranes And The Serpent – The enemy of an enemy is not always a friend!!!

This is a story from the Hitopadesha. Hitopadesha as the name suggests is Hitha+Upadesha in Sanskrit which means, benevolent advice. This set of stories named as Hitopadesha is said to have been written in Sanskrit, by a person by name Narayana Pandit in the 12th century for a King by name Dhavalachandra. It is understood […]

The Trees And The Animals

This is a story from the Jataka Tales which shows how all living things are interdependent on each other for their sustenance and wellbeing. Long, long ago in a forest in North India, a group of trees were having a discussion. They were disgusted about the carcasses left by the wild animals after eating their […]

Karataka and Damanaka

This story is one from the Panchatantra which appears in the chapter “Loss of friends” or “Mitra Bheda” as it was called in Sanskrit. There is a lot for our politicians in particular to learn from this story which is why maybe Vishnu Sharman who taught three princes worldly wisdom told this story. Once there […]

Always be friendly with your neighbours

Long long ago in the forest of Swetharanya, there lived a two hawks. They had recently migrated to this forest from another forest as  humans had begun to inhabit that forest in which they lived earlier. Here, they had built their nest on a tall tree by the side of the river Swetha Pushkarini. There […]

The story of the vulture and the cunning cat

This is a story from the Hitopadesha. Long long ago in the forests of central India , there was a huge banyan tree. The tree was house to hundreds of birds who had built nests on the innumerable branches. All the birds left the tree during the day to look for food and came back […]

The talkative Tortoise

This is a tale from the Jatakas. Once upon a time in northern India , there was a small pond near which lived a tortoise He  was a very talkative tortoise and would pick a conversation with anyone who came near the pond. One day two beautiful young wild ducks named came to the pond. […]

The story of Changu and Mangu

Changu and Mangu were two frogs who lived in a pond at the back of a farm house. The farm house had many cows and there was no dearth of milk and curds in the house. The ladies of the house used to churn butter in huge pots. Once in a while Changu and Mangu […]

The Greedy Mosquito

Once upon a time in a palace of a king, lived a family of bedbugs under the bed of the king. They were a happy lot as they got their fill of sweet royal blood every night without any effort. The king usually did not sleep immediately after lying down on his bed, but once […]

Never Give Advice Unless It is Sought

Once upon a time in a forest there lived a group of monkeys. The group was a very unruly one and made lot of noise wherever they went. As we know, monkeys like to imitate whatever we do. These monkeys had observed in the village a person starting a bonfire and the group of people […]

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