A collection of Indian tales of wit, wisdom, humour, bravery, devotion and lots more...

Gopal, The Jester, Again!!

Gopal was the jester at Raja Krishnachandra’s court. He was a barber by profession but entertained the king a lot with his sharp wit, that the king made him his jester.

The Raja had a peculiar habit that he believed that his day being good or bad depended on who he saw first in the morning.  So if his day was extremely good, the person whom he saw first on the morning would be rewarded and similarly, if he had any mishap, the poor guy who he saw first in the morning would be punished. This was a regular practice. Gopal, however, never approved of this. But he could never convince the king to change this bad habit.

One day, it so happened that the king saw his own brother-in-law, Virendhra first in the morning. Things went on smoothly until the king sat down for a shave. The barber came and started his work. Now, Gopal also happened to be there and was talking in his usual jovial manner, cracking jokes. For a particular joke, the king started laughing aloud and his whole body shook. In spite of the barber’s caution, he accidently caused a cut in the king’s face. Blood started oozing out of his chubby cheeks and the king cried out in pain and anger.

“That wretched Virendra should be punished!” he roared. “Today I saw him first in the morning and because of that, I have suffered this cut. Bring him to the court this evening and I shall give him a hundred lashes. Gopal tried to intervene and said,” Your Highness, it is not Virendhra’s fault….” “Shut up and tell the Commander to bring Virendhra to the court in the evening. “ Gopal decided that it would be best to keep his mouth shut and obey the king.

After a while, when the wound was dressed up, the king calmed down. He also got to listen to a nice musical programme in his court and by noon, he was in a happy frame of mind. Gopal came to see him in the afternoon. “Your Highness,” said he, softly, “I met the most unfortunate man a while ago. Poor fellow, just like you, he saw an unlucky face in the morning and as a result, has to suffer great pain. Krishnachandra was curious. “Who is that unlucky person, Gopal? Tell me and I shall banish him from the kingdom. Come on, who is he?”

Gopal hummed and hawed. “Er…. Er….  He cannot be banished from your kingdom, Your Highness. It is very difficult,” said he. “Why? Why?” said the King. “Is he so royal that he cannot be punished eh? “

“Exactly” said Gopal to the surprised king. “Now do not get angry Your Highness. The person is indeed a royal” As the king looked on more and more surprised, Gopal continued, “It is you, your Majesty!” “Me? “ thundered the King . “How dare you…” Gopal calmly said, “Your highness, you suffered only a cut in your cheek which has almost healed now. But look at poor Virendra. He saw your face first in the morning and he has to bear a hundred lashes on his back. For him, is your face not unlucky?  OK, I will go and ask the Commander to bring Virendhra, he has to suffer his fate hmm…”  Saying so, he got up and pretended to go when Krishnachandra said, “Gopal, thank you for enlightening me. What a fool I have been, for practicing such a superstition! Do not call the Commander; instead send an invitation to Virendra to have dinner with me! “

Gopal was indeed happy that this stupid practice had come to an end and he went away smiling to himself that his plan had worked!!


The Story Of Nandanar


The Tale Of King Shibi’s Generosity

1 Comment

  1. Ram Mohan

    Nice story illustrating the ill-effects of superstition.

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