A collection of Indian tales of wit, wisdom, humour, bravery, devotion and lots more...

Tag: sage

Ravana Humbled Part II

Last week, we saw the story of Ravana being humbled by a God. This week we shall see the story of Ravana being humbled by a man. Now, there was this great king by name Kartavirya Arjuna who was a really strong and powerful king. He is said to have had a thousand hands. Once […]

The Story of Sukanya and Sage Chyavana

In ancient India, there was this king Saryata who had a young and beautiful daughter by name Sukanya. Near his kingdom in the deep woods there lived an old sage by name Chyavana. He lived all by himself and used to go into deep meditation for long periods. He was not aware of what was […]

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