A collection of Indian tales of wit, wisdom, humour, bravery, devotion and lots more...

Tag: Lakshmana

Mama Prayag Das Ji Maharaj – Part II

This is part II of the story of Mama Prayag Das Ji Maharaj. After Prayag had a vision of Ma Janki and Sree Rama at Ayodhya, he returned home to Janakpur. What happened after that? Read on to find out.

The Curse On King Dasaratha

Dasaratha, the emperor of Ayodhya, died a painful death separated from his four sons – Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrugna. It is indeed ironic that a powerful emperor who had not one, but four valiant, and righteous sons, did not have even one of them near him, while he passed away. Bharata and Shatrughna were […]

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