In Part 1 of this story, we saw how Poonthanam used to explain the Sanskrit verses of the Bhagavatham in Malayalam at the Bhagavatha Saptahams. (Click here to read Part 1).
Once, in the month of Vaishaka (auspicious and favourite month of Sri Krishna), lot of devotees had assembled in the Mandapam of the Guruvayoor temple after Deeparadhana, to listen to Bhagavatham. The topic for that evening was ‘Rukmini Swayamvaram’ (Devi Rukmini’s wedding – Rukmini was the wife of Sri Krishna). The Sanskrit verse from the Bhagavatham read out by the presiding scholar was about Rukmini sending her message of love to Sri Krishna at Dwaraka through an elderly messenger , requesting Him to come and marry her.
When Poonthanam explained the meaning in Malayalam, he mentioned that Rukmini sent a letter with her message through a messenger to Sri Krishna. One of the onlookers who was jealous of Poonthanam, stood up and asked, “Which is the Shloka that mentions the ‘letter’ ?” Poonthanam had no answer. He was describing the incident as he saw in his mind’s eye. Now, he was in a predicament. Suddenly there was an ‘Ashareeri’ (divine voice) from the sanctum loud enough for all to hear. It said, “Is there any Shloka which mentions that there was no letter sent by Rukmini? Indeed, I received the letter sent by Rukmini through the messenger!”
All present had goosebumps. They were astounded that Sri Krishna himself intervened in support of Poonthanam. Poonthanam’s heart was overflowing with gratitude as usual for his Krishna.
Poonthanam carried the Bhagavatham book with him always, wrapped in a nice red silk cloth. On one occasion, he had started late from his home to go to Guruvayoor (the distance was about sixty kms which he used to walk). By the time it was evening, he still had to walk a long distance to reach Guruvayoor. The path was through a jungle. Suddenly from nowhere, two armed robbers jumped down from a tree and accosted Poonthanam. Poonthanam was holding the Bhagavatham book close to his chest and when they saw the red silk bundle they thought it was some valuable item. Poonthanam was afraid they would snatch it. He tried to shield it from their clutches. They pushed Poonthanam down, but he was clutching tight to the bundle saying “I will not give you this… I cannot part with this…”.
Suddenly there was the sound of a horses approaching and the robbers took to their heels. It was ‘Mangaattu Achan’- the prime minister of the ruler, accompanied by two more armed guards on horses. He admonished Poonthanam for wandering around in that area at late hours. Poonthanam explained his need to be at Guruvayoor, for it was ‘Ekadashi’ next day. Mangaattu Achan then told him that he would ride behind him till he reached the outskirts of Guruvayoor and truly did so. Poonthanam was so grateful and wanted to gift something to him. Though Mangaattu Achan refused, Poonthanam insisted and gave his gold ring to him as a gift.
That night the ‘Melsanthi’ (priest) of Guruvayoor had a dream. In the dream Sri Krishna indicated that a ring which would be found at His feet inside the sanctum should be handed over to Poonthanam the next day. The priest was puzzled but did find a ring at the feet of the Murti the next morning.
When Poonthanam came to worship, he casually mentioned to the priest the incident of the previous evening and that he escaped from the robbers due to the intervention of Mangaattu Achan. He said it was the grace of Krishna that Mangaattu Achan happened to come there. Little did he know that it was Sri Krishna himself in the form of Mangaattu Achan.
The priest then told him about his dream and gave the ring to Poonthanam. That was when it struck Poonthanam that it was Shri Krishna himself who had come and escorted him till the town. He was totally speechless! With thankfulness overflowing, thinking of the mercy of the Lord, his voice choking, Poonthanam could only mutter “Krishna.. Guruvayoorappa.. Bhagavane…”.
Word of this incident spread around and now Poonthanam was revered by everyone in the temple. Every day after Pooja, there was food served to all present, in the dining hall. Poonthanam was given the pride of place and seated in the first seat. This became a practice.
Years passed.
One day, a scholar from some far-off place visited Guruvayoor. The temple authorities ushered him to the dining hall just as the food had been served. They saw Poonthanam sitting in the first seat as usual. One of the officials asked Poonthanam to get up and move to another seat. Poonthanam felt slighted and refused to move. The official forcibly pulled Poonthanam by his hand. Poonthanam felt greatly insulted and did not want to eat there anymore. “Krishna..! I am disrespected because I am not a scholar” he said to himself with teary eyes and went out of the temple.
As he was contemplating on what to do next, he heard a voice. “You don’t need to stay amongst these people anymore Poonthanam. I will come and stay in your house hereafter. Go home now!” Poonthanam knew it was Sri Krishna who had talked to him and he slowly trudged back to his house.
After reaching his house, sitting in his prayer room, he thought to himself, “I will not eat a morsel of rice till Krishna comes”. The next moment he felt the presence of someone to his left and there was Sri Krishna, in flesh and blood standing next to him!
With a beautiful smile Sri Krishna said to Poonthanam, “My presence will be here always. Worship me here. You need not go to Guruvayoor anymore.” And He vanished. Poonthanam built a shrine there and consecrated a Murti of Krishna in the exact spot He had appeared. The temple was called ‘Edathupurathambalam’ meaning the temple on the left side (since Krishna had appeared on the left side of Poonthanam). Poonthanam named his Krishna as Vama Pureswara or Vama Pura Natha (Lord on the left side) and worshipped him with great devotion every day.
Gradually, he was blessed with deeper knowledge of Sanskrit so he composed many Sanskrit Shlokas as well in which he refers to Sri Krishna by the above names.
Age was catching up fast with Poonthanam. He started having frequent visions of Sri Krishna. But the people in his household dismissed it as a sign of senility due to old age.
One day, he told his wife and their servants that Krishna was going to come the next day to take him to Vaikunta. Some other relatives were also present there then. Poonthanam went on to instruct that the house should be decorated with plantain trees, mango leaves and flowers and the choicest food to be prepared. He kept saying this over and over again. The whole of his household thought that Poonthanam was disorientated. But one maid was there who always believed what Poonthanam said was true.
The next day that lone maid did as per his bidding decorating the house and preparing food etc. while the others were lamenting on the ‘sad state’ of Poonthanam’s mental health.
After finishing his morning prayers Poonthanam exclaimed excitedly, “Can you hear the sound of Garuda’s wings? Krishna is coming! My Krishna is coming!!” All the people in the household thought Poonthanam had become completely mad. They looked at each other meaningfully and whispered amongst themselves “What a sad state… tch..tch..”
Suddenly Poonthanam said, “Krishna has come outside! Who wants to come with me? Come on!” Saying so he walked fast and went out of the house. While the others just stayed put, the maid who believed in him said, “I will come” and followed him. Minutes passed but there was no sign of them both coming back into the house.
The people in the household went out, curious to see what happened. To their shock, the maid was lying on the floor, her life ebbing away. She looked at them and pointing to the sky, she said in a feeble voice, “Namboodiri has left in the Vimana! I am also going!” And she breathed her last. The Vimana was not visible to the eyes of the people but Poonthanam Namboodiri had disappeared without a trace from this world. It is said to be in the year 1640 CE.
The Illam (house) where Poonthanam lived, the spot from which he ascended the Vimana, the temple he built and all his literary works both in Malayalam and Sanskrit will remain for a long time to come. So will the history of Poonthanam Namboodiri – a life totally devoted to Sri Krishna alone. All of this to remind us that sincere Bhakti and total surrender alone is enough to bring the Divine to us.
Jai Shri Krishna!
Geeta Ramanujam
It was like seeing Poonthanam Namboodri. We are blessed to recieve such rare storties from Vidhyaa.
Thank you so much Geeta Ma’am! Grateful for your blessings and the training you have given to me!
R. Latha
very interesting vidhya to read the story of poothanam and would love to visit poonthanam illam from where he disappeared.
Thank you Latha. Yes we should visit.
Gomathi S
Thank you Vidhya for narrating this story which may not be known to many of us. Continue the good work.
Thank you Goma!
Ushapadmini V
Namaskaram mdm,
I am not able to control my tears on hearing Poondanam namboodiri’sdevotion to Lord Guruvayurappan,Many Thanks
Thank you Usha ji for your kind words!!
Brought tears to my eyes Vidhyaa madam. We must get inspired by such Mahaan Saints and devote ourselves to any of the paths (Bhakthi Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga) and realise God. I personally prefer Bhakthi Yoga but I have respect for all paths. Total surrender to one’s Guru and Ishta Devata is enough but of-course it is easier said than done. Nevertheless we all must strive towards that goal. I wish each one us all strength to pursue our own unique path and realise God like Sri Poonthanam did. Many thanks for publishing this wonderful story. Jai Shri Radhe-Krishna.
Thank you Ji! Agree with you. It is indeed a long way to reach the mental state of total surrender like that of Sri Poonthanam!
Beautiful ma, very nicely narrated!! ❤️
Thank you dear Bhavana!!