A collection of Indian tales of wit, wisdom, humour, bravery, devotion and lots more...

Tag: Vishnu

Karumbaayiram Pillayar – Ganesha who accepted a thousand sugarcanes.

This is the story of how Adi Varaha Ganesha came to be known as Karumbaayiram Pillayar after something happened to a sugarcane trader. Read on to know more…

Arudra Darshanam and Chidambaram – The Cosmic Dance of Lord Shiva

This is the story of Lord Shiva’s cosmic dance – The Ananda Tandava and how Lord Shiva came to stay at Chidambaram as Nataraja.


Read the story of Lingodbhava (Shiva) here…

Narahari Sonar – The saint-poet

This is the story of the transformation of Narahari Sonar, a goldsmith to Sant Narahari, the saint. Read on to find out how the transformation took place…

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