A collection of Indian tales of wit, wisdom, humour, bravery, devotion and lots more...

Mahotkata Vinayaka

Picture of Mahotkata Vinayaka generated by me using AI

Greetings to all on this auspicious Ganesh Chaturthi!

The story for today is from the Ganesha Purana which is an ‘Upapurana’ (secondary text) in Sanatana literature. It describes the incarnation of Lord Ganesha in the various Yugas. The first incarnation of Lord Ganesha in the Satya (or Kruta) Yuga was that of Mahotkata Vinayaka and here is the story.

Long long ago, on the banks of River Ganga, lived Sage Rudraketu along with his wife Sarala. They were childless for a long time. After years of prayer, they were blessed with twin sons and were overjoyed. Their sons were named Devantaka and Narantaka. The boys were very intelligent and strong. Trained in scriptures and arts including martial arts by their father, they were very devoted to Lord Shiva. Rudraketu and Sarala felt that they could not have been blessed more.

As the boys grew up to be handsome young men, they wished to do penance to Lord Shiva. Rudraketu was elated. Taking his permission, the brothers went to the higher regions of the Himalayas and started propitiating Lord Shiva.

After many years of their penance, Lord Shiva appeared before them.

“I am pleased by your penance! What boons do you seek young men?” He asked.

“Bless us both with extraordinary physical strength and vitality” said Devantaka.

“Our deaths shouldn’t be caused by celestial beings, humans, animals, birds or reptiles” said Narantaka.

“Tathaastu! So be it!” blessed Lord Shiva.

Ecstatic at the outcome of their penance the brothers went home and told their parents of the boons they had received. The parents were very happy.

The boons of invincibility brought about a change in the attitude and nature of the brothers. Arrogance and brute force replaced their humility and gentleness. Uncontrolled power in their hands turned them into demons. Torturing people, capturing kingdoms across realms and killing for fun became their pastimes. Anyone who opposed them were mercilessly punished. Living beings on earth and celestial beings alike lived in constant fear of the brothers.

Meanwhile, away in a remote forest, lived Sage Kashyapa with his wife Aditi. Though they were the parents of many celestial beings, Aditi had a deep desire to beget Lord Ganesha as her son. So, she, along with her husband prayed fervently to Lord Ganesha. Ganesha, pleased by their sincere worship, chose to grant their wish.  He had  another task as well , which was to end the tyranny of Devantaka and Narantaka.

Soon, Aditi gave birth to a baby boy. The baby’s looks were so divine.  The couple firmly believed that it was Lord Ganesha who had been born to them. The baby was named  Mahotkata, and was brought up with great love and care. Mahotkata was a charming child who excelled in everything he was taught. Blessed with exceptional physical strength, he could even push away an elephant when he was barely seven years of age.

Reports of this remarkable child of Kashyapa reached the ears of Devantaka and Narantaka. And strangely enough, it created a sense of fear in their hearts. The brothers mulled on sending someone to kill Mahotkata but on second thoughts, decided to wait for some more time. But as time passed, more news of Mahotkata’s valour kept pouring in and it was extremely annoying to them.

“Let’s send someone to kill that little brat” said Narantaka. “I can’t tolerate news of that imp anymore”.

“Yes brother. He has to be done away with soon. I will send Viraja  right away” said Devantaka. Viraja was a demoness and since Mahotkata was only a young boy, Devantaka thought that the job would be easily done by Viraja.

Viraja, turning into a beautiful maiden transported herself to Kashyapa’s Ashram. Kashyapa was busy teaching his pupils and Aditi had gone to fetch water for the Ashram. Mahotkata was alone in the garden. Seeing him, Viraja advanced towards him with a wicked smile. Mahotkata just gazed at her intensely and that very instant she was burnt to ashes. On hearing her cries Kashyapa and his students came running , only to find a smiling Mahotkata standing in front of a heap of ashes! Kashyapa, through his inner vision knew what had happened. He was now certain that his son was none other than Ganesha.

Stunned by the death of Viraja, Narantaka and Devantaka called two of the most fierce demons, Uddhata and Dhundura and deployed them for the same mission again.

Uddhata and Dhundura transformed themselves into colourful parrots and flew to Kashyapa’s Ashram. In the Ashram they saw Aditi serving lunch to Mahotkata. The parrots hopped into the room where Mahotkata was dining. Making delightful noises, lovingly cocking their heads, they looked so enchanting. When Aditi went out of the room, they came and perched on either side of Mahotkata. Mahotkata put his arms around them as if to embrace them but caught hold of their necks. Knowing that they would be killed, the demons assumed their real forms and tried to crush Mahotkata. In a few minutes, they both had reached the world of the dead!

Aditi came back and was shocked to see two demons lying dead. And Mahotkata was smiling as if nothing had happened!

Years passed. Mahotkata was now sixteen years of age. One day, the King of Kashi visited Sage Kashyapa. He requested him to come to his palace to officiate the wedding of his son. But Kashyapa had some other work. “Take my son Mahotkata with you” he said to the king.  “Mahotkata is well-versed in all scriptures and practices of rituals. He will conduct the wedding of your son.”  With due respect the king agreed and took Mahotkata along with him to his palace. There, Mahotkata was treated with great respect by everybody.

Devantaka and Narantaka were feeling jittery right from the news of the death of Uddhata and Dhundura some years back. Though they had a boon that no human could kill them, every time the name of Mahotkata came up, there was a surge of unknown fear in their hearts. They sent for their close friend Dhumraksha and his sons Jrhumba and Manu.

“Go to Kashi and kill Mahotkata who is residing there as the king’s guest” said Devantaka to them. The three demons went and confronted Mahotkata when he was in the company of the prince and his friends. In no time Mahotkata vanquished them. The prince and his friends were in great awe of Mahotkata’s power. The prince went and told his father what he had witnessed. “Mahotkata is no ordinary human being” said he. The king was also astonished at Mahotkata’s feat.

When this news reached Devantaka and Narantaka, they fumed. “We should have killed Mahotkata when he was a baby. Pity that we let him grow and be a threat to us” said Devantaka.

“As long as I am there, do not worry brother” said Narantaka. “It is time we went to  Kashi and killed him with our own hands”

Deciding to take Mahotkata head-on, the brothers proceeded to Kashi with a huge army. The king of Kashi was alarmed to hear that  two demons with a huge army were coming towards Kashi. However, the prince had great trust in Mahotkata. “Do not get alarmed father” he said. “Mahotkata will be of tremendous help to us and our army. Please seek his help while I get our army ready!”

The king prayed with folded hands to Mahotkata even though he was a mere boy. “I am with you O king!” said Mahotkata. “There is no reason for you to worry”.

Following the arrival of the demons, there was a terrible battle between the armies.  Mahotkata single-handedly killed many demons. Seeing the fearlessness and strength of the young Mahotkata, Narantaka’s blood boiled. Raising his huge sword, he rushed towards Mahotkata.  “Hey Mahotkata! you do not seem to know of our boons and you cannot kill me Ha ha ha ha…I will kill you instead” he laughed, roaring like thunder.

The next moment there was crashing thunder accompanied with electrifying lightning which lit up the entire sky. Mahotkata had assumed His true form of Gajanana – a human body with an elephant head. He was huge, red in complexion and was riding a ferocious lion. He had ten arms carrying various weapons. “Narantaka!” He said, “I am well aware of your boon. I am Mahotkata Vinayaka. See this form of mine. I am neither human nor animal and I will bring about the end of you both!” So saying, He threw His axe at Narantaka. The next moment it hit Narantaka and he dropped dead. Now, there was utter chaos in the army with the warriors running helter-skelter.

Devantaka realized that his brother had been killed. Perplexed at the transformation of the young Mahotkata into the fearful Vinayaka, he came rushing at Him and threw his heavy mace at Him. Mahotkata dodged the mace, swiftly broke a part of His  tusk and threw it at Devantaka. It hit him on his head  and he fell dead.

All the people present realized that it was Ganesha in the form of Mahotkata Vinayaka who had saved them from these fierce demons. They all paid obeisance to Him and sang His praises. The celestial beings who were also relieved of their suffering, showered flowers on Him.

Mahotkata Vinayaka had ended evil paving the way for restoration of social order in the society.

Let us all pray to Mahotkata Vinayaka on this Chaturthi day.

Jai Shree Ganesh!!


True Devotion


  1. Ram Mohan Narasimhan

    Nice. Well written 👍

  2. R. Latha

    nice story vidhya. never heard this before.

  3. Anita Rajaram

    A new story learnt !

  4. Vidya @ Manomayi

    Excellent narration of the story of Mahotkata Vinayaka….tku dear Vidya! 👏👏👏👏👏👏 Continue your dedication to share lovely stories with us! 💐💐💐💐 May Lord Ganesha bless us all! 🙏🙏🙏🎶🕉️🎶🕉️🌼🌼

  5. Gomathi S

    Nice new story Vidhya. Keep it up.
    AI Vinayaga picture is beautiful.

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