A collection of Indian tales of wit, wisdom, humour, bravery, devotion and lots more...

Tag: elephant

Elephant is equal to Pot

This is a folk tale from Tamil Nadu based on which there is a proverb “Aanaikkum Paanaikkum sari” meaning Elephant and Pot are equal. Long long ago, in a village in Tamil Nadu, there lived a wealthy oil merchant by name Ramu. In addition to his oil business, he owned an elephant which he lent […]

Somu And The Coconut

In medieval India, in present day Tamilnadu, lived a person by name Somu. Somu was the most miserly fellow one could imagine. When he was eating, if he had to shoo away a crow, he would first lick his fingers clean and then only shoo the bird since he did not want the morsels on […]

The Blue Jackal

This is a story from the Panchatantra. Long ago, there lived in the jungles of central India, a jackal by name Chandaraka. One day, Chandaraka did not get any prey in the jungle. Hunger drove him to the outskirts of the jungle and he entered the town. Being new to the town, he was wandering […]

The Curse On King Dasaratha

Dasaratha, the emperor of Ayodhya, died a painful death separated from his four sons – Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrugna. It is indeed ironic that a powerful emperor who had not one, but four valiant, and righteous sons, did not have even one of them near him, while he passed away. Bharata and Shatrughna were […]

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