This is the story of how Adi Varaha Ganesha came to be known as Karumbaayiram Pillayar after something happened to a sugarcane trader. Read on to know more…
Author: krvidhyaa Page 3 of 19
I am a mother of two children who love stories. I used to work in the Insurance industry. I have heard and read lots of Indian stories from my childhood and still read. Our stories have lot of values and also reflect the way society was, in ancient days. As a hobby, I am rewriting the stories I have heard and read, in an attempt to preserve them for the benefit of present and future parents and grandparents and kids of course!!
This is a story of how Krishna blessed a fruit seller. Read to know how…
This is a story of how a young man outwitted a spirit. Read to know more…
This is a story which shows that Guru Bhakti and complete surrender to the Guru can accomplish great things!!
This is a folk tale from Rajasthan where a smart young man outwits a mean fellow who had cheated his father. Read to know more…